Thursday, August 27, 2020

Peace in society

 Children learn everything they become to understand from what happens around them. As they grow they formulate values and mindsets from what they experience. This is the exact same for society because society is made up of those children. Society is the collection of all our values, actions, mindsets, wants, needs and goals. This is the main reason that peace starts in the individual.

On the world stage, I believe that there has been a serious lack of good leadership for decades. That lack of good leadership has brought social unrest, war and global mistrust to the forefront in every part of the world. What is most curious is that these issues have always been the most poignant of tasks in peace. In the world today the many calls for equality, justice, fairness and basically peace have been the message all along. The only question is; What has stopped us from taking the past calls of peace more seriously?

There is a phrase which often comes to mind throughout everyday, "No government or group acts without the will of the people." When I see a principal of a school scold a child because that child is an easy target, a politician stoke the fires of hatred and fear because it is an easy way to get applause, a person call on others to "do their job" while they sit and do nothing, when I see society complain about the lack of funding and then witness food being thrown out, the massive piles of useable goods thrown away to garbage dumps, these are the testaments of the will of the people. These are the culmination of the "it is just easier to do this" mindset. This is the path we have taken for many years as a society while each of us looks the other way and speaks of their efforts to improve.

I am guilty of such actions as well. I have watched, talked and did nothing to help the children of my community who I know are on a path of destruction through very little fault of their own. I have filed to give such children the supportive environment the need and desire. Which is why I am writing this because at the very root of peace is the individual. This is my wake up call after years of inaction. I know what a society that is crumbling looks like and we are living it right now. 

Peace is not easy. It is being calm when someone is yelling in your face. It is truely working to understand the other person when you are dead tired and just want to be left alone. It is stopping yourself from taking the easy action of authoritarianistic actions of yelling, ordering, demanding and calling out the other. Peace is about putting yourself at the same level of the person in front of you and working to get both of you to a better place. That is very difficult work, that is what I must do vastly better at accomplishing. I hope others will help me in that work to improve peace in society.



Friday, August 7, 2020

Personal Choices


This year of 2020 has been a rather unique one. The entire world has been dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic which is easily beaten. However, the spread of this virus is killing thousands each day. In this reality is some great irony. For many years the world has been fixated on the importance of the economy. The health, education and peace of society has taken a back seat to profits, economic gains and personal needs. As the world moves through the pandemic, we are learning the need to focus on health and safety before economic gains or personal desires.

When it comes to the individual there is one caveat. That is the focus each of us needs to have on personal wellbeing. The truth of peace is that each of us needs focus on their own issues to obtain peace. This does not allow for each of us to acted disrespectfully to others. What it entails is that we must take greater care of how we act towards each other.

In my personal life, I have lived in a number of war zones. The atrocities I have witnessed has taken its toll on my personal wellbeing. After experiencing the worst of what we will do to each other I have questioned my own sanity. This is how I got to a point where every action was questioned and judging others. Then at the ultimate point I asked myself whether life was worth living.  That is when I started asking children who have been through much worse than I have, Is life worth living?

For most of them it was. The children gave great answers such as, “We know what the bottom of life is and we must help those who are there now”.  This answer was given so many times that I could not ignore the profound truth in its meaning. Helping others, serving others and knowing a cornerstone of peace is being humble.

Today we are seeing people argue that wearing masks is against their personal freedoms. This statement can not be any more wrong. Arguing against wearing a mask for health reasons is a selfish. Now, if you do not want to wear a mask that is okay, you must stay away from everyone else though – good luck.