Friday, April 29, 2022


 Even before there was a formal recognition of the study of peace, there has always been the pursuit to obtain an understanding of how to be peaceful. There is an immense amount of work done that discusses peace

Is there a program of peace at your school? Is there a faculty of peace at your school? Is there an institution dedicated to peace at your school?

Those questions point to a reality of school which is to educate, to bring understanding to the person and the world. To bring a singularity of thought to the questions above is to see that, in essence, school is a device for peace. Everything we study is a device for peace. Every society and organization built has, in its own way, sought peace. Even though we may not agree with how laws, rules, systems and institutions have all been devised to bring peace, the ideology of such actions has been to bring order, predictability, justice, rights, and truth to the world.  

A few theories and processes that have been fun to explore in terms of peace are chaos theory, complexity theory, social cubism, sense of coherence, reflective practice and community psychology. There are many more theories, processes and ideologies that are applied to understand peace. Some ideologies include religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. This list can be endless.  Each are needed as people have their own versions of how and what peace is. With that understanding, because of the number of people, there are over 7 billion ways to achieve peace and that number is growing.

The difficulty of peace is when we have to mix these billions of methods into some semblance of singularity. For some, the ease of causing harm, using might, fear, and violence to find peace is the go-to method. For example Ukraine and the people who engage in corruption such as human trafficking. In such realities as those two, peace becomes a very difficult place for the mind.

In such situations, violence, revenge, hate, terror, loathing and a number of other elements that bring rot to the world can become instant reactions. In peace, instant reaction is an enemy. Peace asks needs us to be careful with what we are doing and thinking. Peace needs many things that include we have patience, empathy, forgiveness, fortitude, resolve, charity, and creativity.

We have a great deal of work to do and the rest of time to complete it. It would be best to complete such work as early as possible so that we can enjoy peace longer.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Trust can Rust

 In earlier posts I wrote about trust (Broken Trust and Peace, 2017. Trust and Peace, 2013 and Trust, 2012). The idea in this post is how we trust some people to be honest and others to be dishonest. There is another element where trust is slowly eroded – hence trust can rust. Now this erosion is not always a negative element.

Sometimes there are those who are trusted to be assholes, we all know a few of those people. When those people begin to change and lose that element of assholishness, that trust begins to rust and transform into a positive trust. This is like a copper roof rusting into a green colour which everyone likes. Sometimes things change and the manner in which we trust others can change as well.

On a global historical scale, we have examples of trust going from enemies to allies, such as the battles between France and Britain. For centuries these two fought all over the world with the final battle taking place in 1775 on the Plains of Abraham in Quebec. This battle is why Canada and RUSA are mostly English speaking countries. If France had won that battle, these two might have been French speaking countries. Again the two world wars pitted Germany and others against France, Britain and others. Today all of these countries form a military alliance under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

On a personal basis, each of us will have dreams. These dreams indicate a change of some sort. As the change takes place, the old you must rust and be removed. The old you will have a new layer of trust as the old version is no more. Each of us are in control of that process. How each of us will go through such a process and what we are at the end is always in flux. Sometimes we come out better, other times we may come out worse.

The next phase is to understand how we come out is always a learning experience. Taking the experience as just that “a learning experience” we need to see the benefits to building a peaceful person and society.  

Friday, April 8, 2022

Peace Rant


I am writing about peace. Peace is a concept and a reality of thought that is to bring balance to life. Peace is a path to walk into chaos and understand as well as know that you will get through to the other side with better balance than you entered into the reality with. You have to have the balance of life well-intended in your mind to give peace to the realities of being.

When you have the realities of peace well balanced in life you will see the benefits of teaching children, giving life to others, doing what is right and giving everything in your life the best you have.

The study of peace is a journey into the realms that sleep deep within your mind. That journey into your mind is a journey into the deepest depths of the universe. As we seek to understand ourselves, we seek to understand the universe. This balance is what brings us to the realities of being alive.

As we look around the world we see a great many things. There is a great amount of greed and the personal pursuit of material possessions. These pursuits only drive us to the paths of human materialism. This path is not the path of peace but a false path. Be aware that when you seek peace it I not in the form of materials but the form of spirit.

Peace is spirit first, it is understanding the path of helping others before you help yourself. Peace is the path that will allow us to achieve every goal that humanity is set out to achieve. As we seek to build nations, cities, towns, homes, skyscrapers, sports stadiums, statured, cathedrals and places of worship we seek to find peace.

We build hospitals and places of learning to help ease the pains e endure due to the individual pursuits of materialism. Peace is a spiritual goal that we must keep in the mind every minute. When we feel love, the heart-pounding, skin-shivering emotions of love are at the core of peace. We need to understand that the realities of peace are held within those emotions of feeling love for others than we feel for ourselves.

This love for the world is a major step in to journey to finally get to world peace. The journey is long because we make it so. The journey can be as quick as tomorrow if we dared to make the journey that short. However to do that we will have to give up the materialism that has a grip on many of us.

We see the many people who want expensive cars, houses, clothes, vacations, parties and lifestyles that are catered. Peace is none of that. Peace is understanding that the house you have is what you need. The amount of money that you make is not a condition of peace but a condition of unrest in the minds of those that seek it.

God is talking to us in the whispers of the wind. In that wind is the understanding of peace. It has already been given to us and has already been supplied to us. We have only to listen to the wind. We must have the courage to hear and endure the so-called insults of others as we shed the need and greed of having the expensive cars, houses, clothes, vacations and lifestyles.

The understanding of peace is that the world around us is all a game. We have to stand tall to face the world when it challenges us. We have to bring everything we have to the job at hand. The reality of Peace takes a great amount of energy and will to push forward.

As we build peace we must understand the past wrongs that have taken centuries to show us what was once the mentality of the people is now a shameful act of the people. These moments are episodes such as the truth and reconciliation commissions. such commissions will provide us with pathway s forward in peace. We have to have the slow characteristics of peace. With each step we take in peace there will be new opportunities.

Forming governments in the world will indeed need peace theory if these governments are going to push forward into new realities that are improved. We have years to ensure we allow peace to formulate the foundations of peace.

These foundations rest in the realities of trust, fairness, equality and righteousness. The world is needed to understand these items of government. As we write constitutions, bylaws and similar acts of policy, The goals of society which are peace need to be expressed in great detail in the documents of a society. How else are we to improve the world if we do not allow the transformation of each of us and embody the peaceful thoughts in our governing styles of peace.

What is peace? How do we find it? where do we go to feel its impact? All of these questions are important and each question should be thoroughly examined. If we are to be serious in peace, we must ensure that everyone has a say in the placement of infrastructure and systems.

We can not just through together a bunch of cities, and people, we must have a sense of what the people in the communities desire. We are bringing together ideology of past and present which will shape the future. We must communicate with each other to bring a solid plan to fruition. We must discuss with all people the plans, hopes, dreams, wants, desires, needs and understand the boundaries of possibilities.

We can build great things for peace. We can build magnificent structures that can bring awe to the world. As we understand peace, we are understanding the possibilities of the world. When we hope beyond the current understanding of the world and reach into the understandings of tomorrow, we will find new heights of peace. There is a world out there that we have not made yet that produces dreams beyond our current understandings.

These understandings are known as miracles. For God, there are no miracles. Miracles are things that transpire and can not be explained. When we reach the pinnacle of peace, miracles become possibilities and then the end of miracles will then come into being. This is the reality of peace.

Peace can provide much when we dare to reach for it. This courage is indeed rare yet not unheard of. Few people have been able to reach out and grasp the totality of peace. For many, the one person that has done that is Jesus Christ. He is the lone person yet he is the pathway of righteousness that we must follow. He gave us everything we need to be as he has shown us in all the deeds he performed.

This is the capacity for peace that existed. We have examples of peace that are present in the world. Do we have the courage to grasp onto the ways of peace? How do we get there? We have a chasm of understanding to forge through to merge the world. This is the duty of the people to ensure peace is obtained. We will have many chores to do.