Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Order or Terror


There is no doubt I have and will act in ways I will immediately regret. Sometimes emotions get the better of me as they do for others. However, this understanding is not a course of excusing regrettable moments. This is an understanding that such moments need to be stopped or at least limited.

As I have said many times peace is not easy. We have to understand the minds of everyone, even the insane. That emboldens the peaceful to actually delve into the world of insanity and have the wherewithal to pull back into the world of sanity. How else can you understand war or even go through years of such terror and come out in some semblance of good mental health?

The case in point is the recent COVID experience. The world was presented with a deadly virus that spread rapidly. Each of us had to work our way through a large unknown. As we gathered information and strategies, we could see a way through. Sadly we had to deal with those who have and will die. That experience of death on its own is enough some to go into a tail spin. To be a peaceful person, there is a need to have a strong will to make sense out of this non-sensical time.

People are impatient, frustrated, out of options, alone, scared, tired, and need respite. In their search for peace they will find only more work and responsibility. This will crush some who then lash out or shut down. Both of these options are equal in their impact to the individual and society.

For those that do not evolve into the lash out/shut down coping mechanisms, they are the ones that have the open arms, big shoulders to cry upon, a warm smile, the extra cup of tea, the ear to bend and/or has the patience to provide space so others can shut down/lash out.

That is exactly why peace is not easy. It is having the fists of those who lash out come down around you. As you take those hits you only feel the utter lack of options those fist represent. It is seeing a person who has shut down and providing the open arms when you just had the fists of the other come down on you.  It is not pity that a peaceful person has, it is understanding how such a situation is to the mind of the individual.

I have been the one to throw the fists of anger on too many occasions and have shut down as well. Those moments will forever bring pain and remorse, mostly due to the fact that I know it can and might happen again. Being in that place of insanity is my order of terror.

Monday, September 28, 2020

thought rant


As I read course material for each I am taking, many memories flash upon the brain. Often I must stop and walk away. I recall the moments that will forever leave me at a loss for any emotion other than complete defeat of humanitarianism. I am writing this as an exercise of art to channel positive efforts, which is the ultimate reason for the pursuit of a phd in peace. The past decade has not seen a day where at some point my heart did not scream for peace.

This term is a solid foundation of understanding there is hope that the world of pain and suffering will someday give way to peace.  This is how I am looking at this term, top down I have international conflict theory, drilling down to regional or in country issues is Introduction to genocide and at the grass roots level the violence youth encounter. Of course each has overlap and the order can be interchangeable.

The readings have been a wonderful foundation of thought that peace is possible. If only we could carry this ground swell of good into the decision rooms of the Security Council, World Bank, peace negotiation rooms as well as the multitude of military and economic organizations that seem to protect $ and power before life.

Last night I had a dream that I was standing on a stage preparing for a press conference. I was holding a plastic dust pan in one hand and a metal one in the other. I was to explain the mountainous effort of transitioning the consumer economy to a knowledge based economy. This would mean that all plastic consumable goods, highly processed foods and the list went on would have cost increases of 300%. Books, gym memberships, daycare, education, lawyers, doctors, conflict management resources and other elements of society would be provided at cost analysis based on minimum wage acceptability. The loss of jobs would be offset with the increased need in these other sectors.

What is the world I am building?

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Peace in society

 Children learn everything they become to understand from what happens around them. As they grow they formulate values and mindsets from what they experience. This is the exact same for society because society is made up of those children. Society is the collection of all our values, actions, mindsets, wants, needs and goals. This is the main reason that peace starts in the individual.

On the world stage, I believe that there has been a serious lack of good leadership for decades. That lack of good leadership has brought social unrest, war and global mistrust to the forefront in every part of the world. What is most curious is that these issues have always been the most poignant of tasks in peace. In the world today the many calls for equality, justice, fairness and basically peace have been the message all along. The only question is; What has stopped us from taking the past calls of peace more seriously?

There is a phrase which often comes to mind throughout everyday, "No government or group acts without the will of the people." When I see a principal of a school scold a child because that child is an easy target, a politician stoke the fires of hatred and fear because it is an easy way to get applause, a person call on others to "do their job" while they sit and do nothing, when I see society complain about the lack of funding and then witness food being thrown out, the massive piles of useable goods thrown away to garbage dumps, these are the testaments of the will of the people. These are the culmination of the "it is just easier to do this" mindset. This is the path we have taken for many years as a society while each of us looks the other way and speaks of their efforts to improve.

I am guilty of such actions as well. I have watched, talked and did nothing to help the children of my community who I know are on a path of destruction through very little fault of their own. I have filed to give such children the supportive environment the need and desire. Which is why I am writing this because at the very root of peace is the individual. This is my wake up call after years of inaction. I know what a society that is crumbling looks like and we are living it right now. 

Peace is not easy. It is being calm when someone is yelling in your face. It is truely working to understand the other person when you are dead tired and just want to be left alone. It is stopping yourself from taking the easy action of authoritarianistic actions of yelling, ordering, demanding and calling out the other. Peace is about putting yourself at the same level of the person in front of you and working to get both of you to a better place. That is very difficult work, that is what I must do vastly better at accomplishing. I hope others will help me in that work to improve peace in society.



Friday, August 7, 2020

Personal Choices


This year of 2020 has been a rather unique one. The entire world has been dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic which is easily beaten. However, the spread of this virus is killing thousands each day. In this reality is some great irony. For many years the world has been fixated on the importance of the economy. The health, education and peace of society has taken a back seat to profits, economic gains and personal needs. As the world moves through the pandemic, we are learning the need to focus on health and safety before economic gains or personal desires.

When it comes to the individual there is one caveat. That is the focus each of us needs to have on personal wellbeing. The truth of peace is that each of us needs focus on their own issues to obtain peace. This does not allow for each of us to acted disrespectfully to others. What it entails is that we must take greater care of how we act towards each other.

In my personal life, I have lived in a number of war zones. The atrocities I have witnessed has taken its toll on my personal wellbeing. After experiencing the worst of what we will do to each other I have questioned my own sanity. This is how I got to a point where every action was questioned and judging others. Then at the ultimate point I asked myself whether life was worth living.  That is when I started asking children who have been through much worse than I have, Is life worth living?

For most of them it was. The children gave great answers such as, “We know what the bottom of life is and we must help those who are there now”.  This answer was given so many times that I could not ignore the profound truth in its meaning. Helping others, serving others and knowing a cornerstone of peace is being humble.

Today we are seeing people argue that wearing masks is against their personal freedoms. This statement can not be any more wrong. Arguing against wearing a mask for health reasons is a selfish. Now, if you do not want to wear a mask that is okay, you must stay away from everyone else though – good luck.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

1989, 2020 and tomorrow.

Monumental moments of historical importance are called upon to gauge where we are everyday. On this day in May of 2020, a few such days are being looked upon. Reaching back to 1989, there were a few moments that made major impacts on the world. One was the transformation of Russia and the other was the protests in China.

Those two events were moments where the average person had hope for an opening up of government and bring in a new era of transparency between what government said, did and what government controled. As the years rolled along much of that hope died as did many of the citizens. However small the change had been, there was a change. Both Russia and China did open the door of transparency enough to allow a gleem of light to shine through.

Decades later we have a global pandemic and governments around the world have to impose strict authorities to ensure public safety. Oddly enough these are the exact same reasons which China and Russia have used for years to control their populations. The difference is that this pandemic is a real threat whereas political threats were the main issue for China and Russia during the past 100 years.

Political threats are nothing more than ideology and thought. Both of those can never be stopped because they live in the minds of the individual people. Furthermore, thought needs to be acted upon and the only way to know what people are thinking is to actually discuss ideology with them. Through this discussion there can be positive advancements of society. Also we can learn of possible threats to society and then work as a team to act appropriately – for the better. Now, that is exactly what government officials will say in China and Russia is their goal.

The test to gauge whether that is true or not is the ease in which people are able to speak up about government. We have seen in China where tanks have run people over, people go missing, people are imprisoned in harsh condition for vague reasons. In Russia, opposing political leaders are shot dead in public spaces, jailed for vague reasons, people are chased across the globe and killed. Each of these situations point to governments that are not open. Now we have a global pandemic to deal with.

We have seen how these governments have acted in the past. With government controls tightened,who will ever know what transgression are being made at this moment. That fact that we have to ask such a question is enough to understand that there is harm being done to people so others can can retain control.

Here in Canada we have looked the other way in order to keep business open. In short we sold peoples lives so we can have stores full of cheap goods and sell our commodities. Although we throw in a sentence or two about our concerns for human rights. The hyporcacy is ripe in truth.

As a government we need to set strict trade targets. One such target needs to be that no one country can have more than fifteen percent of any one market or total trade. That means if China supplies four percent of canadian dollarama goods and buys eleven percent of our wheat supply then their limit had been met. This is a very difficult reality for many Canadians to grasp since we know the reality will impact us greatly. However, how much more can we take living a hypocites life?

Do we stand for peace, order and good government or do we stand for where the money comes from? Giving such ultimatums is never a good spot to be in and actually is harmful to the larger society. Yet, the truth is, we must scale back the dependance we have on a few trading partners. Yes this also means our trade with the Republic of the United States needs to decrease. We must diversify our trading partners. We must look to build other nations up so we can have new supply chains developed.

Oddly enough we can take a page out of the China play book with their Belt and Road programs. Now we are not going to look to oppress other nations or hold power over them as China is doing. We will true partners in peace, order and good government. We need to ramp up our efforts in this area now when the opportunity is ripe. This is our chance to rearrange our global relationships. There is a monumental hurdle to over come here. The work will be very difficult and rocky. We will piss off other countries immensely.

We are not here to eliminate disagrement or even dissent as others have a desire to do. We are here to build a world that is peaceful, free of fear from government authorities and to have truth in our discussions. It is possible, although not easy to accomplish.

With measured steps and actions, we will be known as the honest broker once more. Furthermore we will never again have to look the other way as people are killed for reasons of "national security". What bullshit.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hard line on Crime is being soft on Peace!

One of the toughest parts of youth reintegration is a two fold issue of perception involving public and the youth. There is the often vocal thought of being soft on crime and second is the reality of the situation a youth is raised in. Both are very difficult and complex realities to overcome.

The public perception is dealt best with focusing on the youth who are currently known to be in what is labeled as at risk situations. We also have to be aware of those who are currently in programs of reintegration. To have a grasp of the situation the best phrases that comes to mind are these:

“It takes a community to raise a child and no child starts out with the intention to be bad.”

During these time of early 2020, we are learning again the need for everyone to work towards a common goal. Raising children has always been one such common area of effort. However, at some point in history we have lost the total community mindedness to some degree. A great deal of child upbringing fell to government. As teachers, daycares and other organizations have become saddled with raising many of our children, individual responsibilities of parents eroded. Thus the breakdown in the community as a whole.

Often we see the youth who are caught up in gang violence are from marginalized groups of society. This sector of society has always been fertile ground for adults who seek to prey upon them. The children targeted in such efforts will become the adults who continue the cycle of violence. Next, on a global scale we can be very certain that the youth who are and have been “educated or brought up” in gangs/terrorists organisations will be the future leaders. Organizations such as ISIS or human trafficking networks, gangs, etc... are preparing the next ones who cause harm to future children.

As we work with the youth who have lived through such situations we can learn a great deal of what is needed and what is working. These efforts will also need deep assistance to rebuild the damage done to youth and the public. These efforts are the reintegration programs.

Even though it may appear that such programs are soft on crime, there is no such mindset of those who work to rebuild the broken trust that society deeply depends upon. Again, this is where we need the entire community to take greater steps to assist the youth if peace is ever to be achieved.

Peace begins in the mind of every individual. Without that, there is no peace. The fight for peace begins in the mind and reaches out into the community. We must work with the mindset of the youth who are currently in danger of keeping the violence going. This means we must work with youth who are involved with the sectors of society that work to destroy peace.

The perception of putting people in jails is popular. If jails worked we would not have any today. If violence worked to bring peace we would most certainly have peace already. If ignoring those who break the peace worked, we would have peace already. For those that say reintegration programs are being soft on crime, where is their evidence that what we are currently doing is working?

Then there is the popular public thought that jail will stop that one individual. What that mentality speaks to is vengance, ignorance and continuation of the reality of an unpeaceful thought process. Such thoughts will not improve the circumstances of those who have to grow up in harmful environments. Plus we have to work with those who have been labeled as threats. The alternative is a swirling sesspool of shit.
Some of the largest experiments of vengance have been the Nazis in 1930 Germany and Syria in 2010 and we all know what those spiraled into.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Young Offenders In Canada compared to child soldiers

“Reintegration, which is essential for sustainable return, is defined by the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as the ‘universal enjoyment of full political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights’”.1

The study of peace seeks to understand society and improve how we relate to ourselves and each other. This means that we work on areas that are identified as harmful to the current situation. Violence and crime are such elements. The question of what to do with those that act violently or commit crimes is a difficult one. The difficulty increases when the perpetrator is a child.

The area of concern for this article deals with youth who have been through reintegration programs. Throughout the article examples from child soldier reintegration programs and young offenders in Canada will be used. At the outset it appears that we are dealing with individuals. The reality of reintegration is that the entire society needs to be prepared and supported. The goal is to improve the lives of the children as well as ensure a safe society for everyone else.

There are cases where children choose to be soldiers or gang members. Such cases were popular in
Uganda as many had seen the Ugandan army as a safe haven. Even in such cases, a child feels there is no other alternative for survival. “Joining violence is sometimes the only way to survive and  protect our families. We need another way.”2

We must take note that many youth return to familiar settings if they experience struggle and isolation from the community they live in. Child soldiers face poor scholastic skills, very little job opportunities and they are often looked upon with fear and mistrust. These are similar circumstances for a youth that lives in transition or halfway houses. A sound reintegration program must seek to minimize both the fear and distrust.

In Canada we have what is called the Youth Criminal Act. The goal of the Youth Criminal Justice Act
states under Declaration of Principle 3(1)(a) that the youth criminal justice system is intended to:

i prevent crime by addressing person’s offending behaviour,

ii rehabilitate young persons who commit offences and reintegrate them into society, and

iii ensure that a young person is subject to meaningful consequences for his or her offence

The return to a peaceful society is enveloped throughout all three points which ‘‘promote . . .
rehabilitation and reintegration into society’’3 of the offending youth.

In addition to the Youth Criminal Act, there are many programs and organizations for both communities and youth to help with reintegration. One such organization is the John Howard Society. The philosophy employed by the John Howard Society states, “to treat offenders in such a way that having served their sentence, they are able to return to the life of a normal citizen better able to participate constructively in society”.4 Other organizations such as the St. Leonard’s Community Services and United Way offer similar programs.
For child soldiers, the popular system in which we (the world) employ is known as Disarm, Demobilize and Reintegrate (DDR). What is DDR? “DDR refers to the process of demilitarizing official and unofficial armed groups by controlling and reducing the possession and use of weapons, by disbanding non-state armed groups and former combatants to reintegrate into civilian life.”5 “Ultimately, child soldier DDR programmes are aimed at removing children from a context of violence and delivering them to a safe place where they can complete their development in a nurturing environment.”6 On a basic level of comparison, child soldiers and young offenders reintegration programs have very similar goals. Those goals are to transform a person’s life into a positive element for society.
The reintegration process is a difficult step in that the repeated offence is a real risk. The challenge is to prevent the child from falling back into the cycle of crime, war or gang violence. To do that, each system has to deal with the psychological factors of the youth. In addition, we have to be mindful of the environment in which youth live, are rehabilitated and then reintegrated into.

For child soldiers the support for psychological aid is minimal. “International groups have advocated for the rehabilitation of child soldiers, but children are often overlooked during official implementation”.7 In Canada there are a great many programs yet the challenge is that most programs are based on self-referral.
It was not surprising to find that life circumstances of both child soldier and young offender are similar. The child soldier obviously lives in a war zone and the society at large is broken. For the young offender, their circumstances may be dysfunctional and possibly broken on a community level. Both these environments will have a great impact on the psychological development of the child. “Community disorganization, the availability of drugs, and knowing adults involved in criminal activities were associated with an increased risk for youth involvement in violence.”8 The dual task of a reintegration program is to rebuild the individual as well as society.
Within the goal of rebuilding society there is a strong element of transformational peace. To aid in the transition process there are Truth and Reconciliation Programs and Restorative Justice Programs. Each program needs individuals and the community to tell their stories. Story telling gives people a chance to express their experience during the breakdown of peace. For the youth who become involved in crime or become soldiers, story telling is vital for understanding the circumstances and the state of being a child is in. “In order to find out the root causes for wrong-doings, the entire lived experiences of the people involved must be considered”.9

The above quote speaks to the enormous task that lays ahead for a reintegration program. The healing process encompasses the life history of all involved. One of the earliest points of discovery was the sense of responsibility of the child soldiers to heal the community. This sense of responsibility was not as prevalent in the young offender’s research.

“We agree that we have destroyed this country. And it is us – the young people – that should be empowered to rebuild our communities… We need basic training to make this country good again. It can’t be the NGOs that do all the work for us. It has to be us.” – Young man, 18, Liberia10

Even if the sense of social responsibility does exist it may have endured an injury too great to heal. In essence, a reintegration program needs to rebuild that sense of community. This rebuild is very much a psychological rebuild, which gave rise to the Right to Play organization. “Psychosocial and mental health services is of great importance for the empowerment and reintegration of vulnerable war survivors”.11

“The psychological factor is a deeply intricate element. Often child soldiers or gang members are forced into servitude through outright abduction, threat of death, physical confinement, and fear.12 Each child will react in their own way to such experiences. What needs to be kept as a focus is the long term care in which society needs on a continual basis to heal and improve. Understanding the circumstance which brings about war and crime will assist in preparing youth for reintegration. The main focus is how to ensure youth do not revert to past methods or violent methods.
As we focus on the issue of a youth not reverting back to a life of violence and crime, the two
components of rehabilitation and reintegration become a transitional plan. We must realize that
reintegration can not take place until rehabilitation is complete or satisfactory.

With both cases of young offenders and child soldiers, we must think about community security where the reintegration will take place. “Essentially community security relates to perceptions/belief in a sense of trusting neighbours and participation in and belonging to a community.”13  Below are six points which Corrections Services Canada have been advised to implement to improve reintegration performances.

a) clear statements of offender accountability with respect to expected behaviour in the community;

b) focus on the need for the extension of correctional interventions that link penitentiary program results with the identification of behavioural, educational and employment programs in the community;

c) a well-defined approach to the definition and implementation of transitional employment initiatives;

d) identification of mental health interventions consistent with penitentiary assessments and available community service delivery infrastructure; Report of the Correctional Service of Canada Review Panel

e) clear linkages to the identification and responsibilities of community residential facilities targeted to provide specialized accommodation and program service delivery support in the community; and

f) description of conditions recommended to the National Parole Board by CSC.14

These six points are reflected in many child soldier reintegration programs/process as well. Both the
child soldier and the young offender face a battle with identity. For child soldiers the rehabilitation
process of psychological identity is the largest hurdle to overcome before a reintegration process can begin. “What had become accepted forms of behaviour during war are considered reprehensible in peace-time, which undermines the sense of identity and courage that youth had created as fighters”.15  

Along with the identity issue, both soldier and offender may encounter issues of being asked or forced back into the violence. This is even more of a concern if they exceled in their duties. For the young offender in Canada, jail time will immerse them into a life they may have only had limited knowledge or experience with. “Throughout the history of incarceration, it has been the pervasive tendency of prisons to make prisoners more dangerous and more antisocial”.16

The life inside a prison is an abnormal situation as is the life of a child soldier. As the process of
rehabilitation and reintegration take place, there will be a large factor of community acceptance when the reintegration phase begins. “Informed and engaged citizens and communities are integral to safe offender reintegration.17 Both the soldier and offender depend on the communities to accept and support them as they strive to succeed.
One of the challenges that differ between child soldiers and young offenders rests with the attitudes towards the crimes committed. “Former child soldiers across the world are most likely to express regret at having committed crimes, and indicate a desire to complete their education or become valuable members of society”.18 In contrast, “A common frustration expressed was the lack of motivation displayed by a significant percentage of younger offenders. There seems to be a growing tendency by some offenders to wait out the system until they reach their release date”.19

The challenge that face reintegration are the time frames mandated or determined by law or financial limits. These restraints are a factor for how long a child soldier will be in rehabilitation, if at all. “Knowing that development funds will be available can put leaders in a better position to convince their own soldiers to comply, thereby avoiding splinter groups”.20 The issue of funding of DDR programs is one that proves to be a difficult problem as there is a strong need for long term funding to deal with the psychological damages of child soldiers. “Save the Children UK no longer has a DDR programme in eastern DRC. This is primarily due to lack of funding”.21

In Canada the reintegration process has its share of difficulties as well. During an interview with Social Workers in Nova Scotia, they pointed to the self-referral system as a possible barrier. “Few youth will acknowledge that they need help, whether the issue is addictions, breaking patterns of social intelligence, conflict management or behaviour”.22

As the programs develop to help with reintegration, historical methods and understanding are becoming more prevalent. In Canada we are using methods such as restorative justice. These programs work to bring the total society that has been impacted by crime together. Such a program is congruent with a transformational ideology.

In conclusion, the research has highlighted the need for a greater effort and support of youth
reintegration programs. In tandem with those needs, leaders within our communities must work to
stem the initial causes for youth to become involved with crime. Further to those needs, a clear
partnership with the youth to allow them to feel as part of society is necessary. Also, we need to
support the process for youth to have the wisdom, courage and desire to recognize and ask for help. All too often we have a fractured sense of community, which has eroded due to the fear of crime.

1 Haider, Huma. Initiatives and Obstacles to Reintegration in Divided Communities: UNHCR’s Imagine Coexistence Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, International Development Department, University of Birmingham, 2012. Pg.,6

2 Machel Study 10-year strategic Review. Will you Listen? Young voices from conflict zones. Children and Conflict in a Changing World. UNICEF. 2007. Pg., 4.

3Bala, Nicolas, Peter J. Carrington and Julian V. Roberts. Evaluating the Youth Criminal Justice Act after Five Years: A Qualified Success. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Toronto University Press. April, 2009, pg., 159.

4 John Howard Society. Perspectives on corrections: Towards a Philosophy of Corrections. 7 July, 2.

5 Ball, Nicole and Luc van de Goor. Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration: Mapping Issues, Dilemmas and Guiding Principles. Netherlands Institute of International Relations: Clingendael Conflict Research Unit. August 2006. Pg., 1.

6 Elettra, Pauletto and Preete Patel. Challenging Child Soldier DDR Processes and Policies in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development, Is. 16, November,42.

7 Odeh, Michael and Colin Sullivan. Children in Armed Conflict: Recent Developments in International Rehabilitation of Child Soldiers. Youth Advocate Program International Resource Paper. Pg.,1

8 Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Juvenile Justice Bulletin: Predictors of Youth Violence.U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs. April 2000.Pg., 7.

9 Clairmont, Don and Jane McMillan. Directions in Mi’Kmaq Justice: An Evaluation of the Mi’Kmaq Justice Institute and its Aftermath. The Tripartite Forum:Justice Subcommittee. May 2001. Pg., 22.

10 United Nations Report. The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, Will You Listen: Young voices from conflict zones. 1996. Pg., 18.

11 Ventevogel,Peter Herman, Ndayisaba and Willem van de Put Psychosocial assistance and decentralised mental health care in post conflict Burundi 2000 -08. Intervention 2011, Volume 9, Number 3, Pg., 316.

12 Department of Justice, Canada. Gang Prevention: A Resource Guide on Youth and Gangs. 2003. Pg.,5
13 Willems, Rens, Willemijin Verkoren, Maria Derks, Jesper Kleingeld, Georg Frerks, Hans Rouw. Security Promotion in Fragile States: Can local Meet National? Exploring the Connections between Community Security and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration. Peace Security and Development Network. August 2009. Pg., 6.

14 Sampson, Rob, Report of the Correctional Service of Canada Review Panel: A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety. Government of Canada, 2007. Pg., 107.

15 Ozerdem, Alpaslan and Sukanya Podder. Disarming youth Combatants: Mitigating Youth Radicalization and Violent Extremism. Journal of Strategic Security, Vol 4. Iss. 4, 2011. Pg., 70.

16 JACKSON, MICHAEL AND GRAHAM STEWART. Fear-Driven Policy: Ottawa’s harsh new penal proposals won’t make us safer, just poorer — and less humane. The Literary Review of Canada, May 2010, pg., 3.

17 Sampson, Rob, Report of the Correctional Service of Canada Review Panel: A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety. Government of Canada, 2007. Pg., 121.

18 Elettra Pauletto and Preete Patel. Challenging Child Soldier DDR Processes and Policies in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development, Is. 16, November,50.

19 Sampson, Rob, Report of the Correctional Service of Canada Review Panel: A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety. Government of Canada, 2007. Pg., 107.

20 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sweden. Stockholm Initiative on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration: Testing principles. 2006. Pg., 48.

21 Elettra Pauletto and Preete Patel. Challenging Child Soldier DDR Processes and Policies in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development, Is. 16, November,44.

22 Interview with Nova Scotia Health Authority, Child and Youth Services. 17 May 2012.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Understanding the challenges of peace

Peace is salvation from the savagery we cause each other. That statement is the ultimate research ideology in which I am focused. Within that statement, I am asking what drives each of us to choose non-peaceful paths? To narrow the scope further, I am looking at situations where youth are going through reintegration/ transition programs. The focus of this work is on reintegration programs of child soldiers and young offenders in Canada. I am picking these two because I truly believe that each experience the savagery of the world intensely.

As I look into the lives of those who have and are going through reintegration programs, I want to learn how we can improve our success rates and more importantly, lower the numbers of those who will need such programs. We must take into consideration the forced realities many youth endure due to the negligence/cruelty of others. Understanding that peace is a choice most people make, those who choose to act in unpeaceful ways will impact the youth. Those youth, I believe will rely 100 percent on mental health for any success towards peace as a choice. Below is an example of the mental health need:

The recent use of children by terrorist has made the issue of child soldiering more alarming. Here many groups such as, IS, Al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra (JN), Free Syrian Army (FSA), Ashbal Saddam, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram4 and so forth recruit children and adolescents. After recruiting them, these children are institutionalised in training camps were they undergo harsh combat, weapon training and indoctrinated socially and politically to perform the bids of these terrorist. These children apart from being taught how to make bombs are forced to watch videos of suicide bombings, after which they are sent to the front lines, where they function essentially as human shields, fighters, or as suicide bombers.”1

Taking that quote in mind, I am mixing it into this reality, “Reintegration, which is essential for sustainable return, is defined as the ‘universal enjoyment of full political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights”.2

I am now asking, “what are the experiences of the youth as they weave their way through the realities of non-peace?” For some, what they knew as the civil, social and culture components of life will be altered severely as they endure further alterations of what is right and wrong during their reintegration phases.


Title: Peace is salvation from the savagery we cause each other.

Description: A parent brings a child to look at waterfall with a lookout. The lookout is in the middle of the water fall. Beyond that there is a wild sunset. The parent ask the child “What do you see?”

The reply given by the child, “I see a child crying for peace as the world dances upon the head. The parent grips the child tightly and reaffirms both their goals by saying: “We will continue do everything we can to save them.”

1Omodanisi Kemi Beatrice, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of Lagos Campus, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos State. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online) Vol.93, 2020

2 Haider, Huma. Initiatives and Obstacles to Reintegration in Divided Communities: UNHCR’s Imagine Coexistence Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, International Development Department, University of Birmingham, 2012. Pg.,6

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

It is not about the economy, stupid!

During this outbreak of health risks, we are learning again the need to be vigilant in our pursuits of peace. We are learning again the hierarchy of needs. We are learning that economic concerns are truly further down the list than is regularly perceived. The phrase "it is about the economy stupid" has been put into the proper light of reality.

Anyone that puts one hundred percent trust in that phrase is someone that should never be in a position of power. Sadly it takes such a situation to make the world understand what is important again. Now we have an opportunity to look at the future and make needed changes towards an improved peaceful world.

The challenges we are having now highlight where society has become blind. The need for stable thought and action from each person to ensure peace and security, the need for governments to be firm, fair and transparent, the need for corporations to understand that making money is not the only thing that matters, the need to understand that the vulnerable people deserve more support and the need to act with compassion is tantamount in every situation.

It is ironic that many governments are calling this an unprecedented event yet such urgency was needed before. The difference is that the rich people started to become impacted. That is the absolute truth of this reality. If this did not impact the rich nations of the world, very few would give a shit.

We are experiencing a reality where peace and security are more important than making money. Even though that has always been the truth of life, many of us took for granted what was actually the most important factors in life.

Every person who is forced to leave their homes understands the need for peace and security, every child who has their families ripped apart due to social mismanagement understands this and now many of the rich are seeing the importance of keeping peace and security a top priority - not money.

This global pandemic is showing us what is actually essential in life. Hopefully we take these lessons to heart and never again stray from them as we have.

It is not about the economy, stupid. It is about peace and security and those can not be purchased.