Monday, April 26, 2021

Peace is a choice.


When an artist creates something, they have their own point of view. Anyone that looks upon that creation can have a different interpretation of that creation. Such is what I have done with Samuel Huntington’s book The Clash of Civilizations. The source of conflict is certainly the clash of different paths, however the clash begins in the mind of the individual. The conflict is not about the differences of civilizations, the conflict is the differences of choice each of us make every day and what being free really is.

Often we confuse choice with freedom due to how we see and understand the world. How we see the world is slowly developed each day. With each day the lens of understanding becomes narrower. As our understanding narrows, our choices also narrow. How we live and plan for the future is also impacted even though we still cling to the idea that we are acting freely. For example, the lens of how to build a peaceful society is the same lens used to build criminal organizations. The difference is the focus, intent, choices, and goals we choose to make.

At this point, we must think about the reality of freedom and ask if a child who is taught to be racist was free to choose such a path? Going along the same idea that each person born will only be racist if they are taught to be so, the need for education is clearly understood. Furthermore, the need to understand that a child is going to be moulded by the information provided. Taking a step back, the adult who decides what information is going to be provided begins the process of the conflict within the mind. Thus the clash of civilization begins in the mind of the individual.

This is why we must focus on peace, how to be peaceful, how to maintain inner personal peace. From there we need to bring these tools to the children and support them in all the efforts that encompass building a peaceful society.

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