Monday, August 1, 2022

The Speed of Peace


Without a doubt, we are living in interesting times in 2022. In my view, the largest shift has been the increase of distrust in the world. In particular the question of trust in authority to a multi-pronged monster including who are the trusted authorities?

A number of years ago there were the protests of the Multi-lateral Agreement on Investment. The protests around the world for peace as the Occupy Movement, We Are the 99%, Jasmine Revolution, Arab Spring, and others. Each of these protests have asked questions of trust in authority. Of course, there is the reality of war on a global scale being discussed and in every war, trust is a casualty each second. Now those are some of the ideology questions towards mistrust. The physical impact of trust is also being tested.

Physically, we are being shown that this planet is alive on its own. We are witnessing unprecedented weather and geological events across the globe. It was not too long ago the  Indian Ocean had an earthquake that sparked a tsunami during 2004. Japan, 2011 had a similar experience. Hurricanes, heat, floods, fires have all set records for intensity of force.

Those two areas of mistrust are the mind and body, now we have the spiritual impacts. What is peace telling me about the impacts on the spirit. First, peace tells me that this is the utmost of importance. Trust needs a leap of faith sometimes and now is such a time. Sadly, the population of the world has been going through some shite and people need to vent. How are we do deal with that “venting”. For proper ventilation, we need to understand the speed of peace. This is what my spirit is asking me, what is the speed of peace?

That question leaves me with this – strengthen your patience, you are going to need a shit ton of it.

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