Thursday, September 2, 2021

Difficult questions.


While discussing issues during a meeting I was asked where I stand on abortion. I was directed to give a for or against answer. I would not answer unless given sometime to explain first. Here is my answer.

Every time the Canadian Armed Forces, police, a doctor, paramedic, firefighter or healthcare provider has to make a decision that causes another persons death, as a member of a democratic society – I take that personally. I am hurt and feel great sorrow that such decisions have to be made. I also wish that such decisions would never have to be made. However, we live in a world that is not perfect.

In light of all that, I wish I would never have to be in favour of causing the death of anyone, for any reason. Sadly, such decisions are made everyday whether I like it or not and I regret every single time a person is harmed and/or dies from a decision made on my behalf by our government.

I would love to live in a world where weapons were not carried by police or have the need for an armed military. Every single death is one too many. If you are comfortable with the death caused by our military, police and etc…, yet bark about abortion – hypocrisy is where you sit.

I am against every other harmful act being levied against anyone else for any reason.

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