Monday, January 3, 2022

Jumping to conclusions


Ever have a discussion where the other person is always giving answers to problems you are facing? This happens very often in discussions of peace. What strikes me is that with all this knowledge why the hell is there so much hatred and anger in the world? For example, take any resume you find and it is almost a certainty that good communicator will be a descriptor on that document. If this were true, the world would be in way better condition in terms of communication than it is. In reality, the communication success sucks. This is the same issue as the cliché states that 80% of the population believes they are above average intelligence.

The wonder of peace is to be able and willing to live within the unknown or at least pursue the unknown. To do that is to always be seeking situations where you are learning, experiencing new realities and having the intelligence to say – I do not know/understand this.

We need to keep the impossible in our frame of scope. Having ready made answers or drawing too much on past knowledge/experiences will keep opportunities to a narrow window.

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