Monday, January 24, 2022

Noli sinere malos insolentesque te vexare or Illegitimi non carborundum


Do not let the bastards grind you down. That is the loose translation of the latin phrases above.

Who are the bastards?

They are the ones that will stomp on your face and ask you to thank them for being so kind to you. They are also the ones that will be kind, offer help, and when the moment comes steal everything from you and disappear. They are the ones that spend more time to seek loopholes and cheats to get around safeguards of peace than it would take to be peaceful.

It is a dangerous job to work against such people. Not because they are often violent, it is because you will be in constant risk of actually being one of them bastards. You will risk the peace of the world, the peace of your self and loved ones.

The bastard are not always easy to spot since they are wolves in sheeps clothing. Also there will be times that each of us will also be the bastard without even knowing it. This interplay is the task of peace building. It is also my life’s work to understand and help the bastards to be peaceful. It involves going into the darkest areas of life to understand the mentality of the bastard as fully as possible. Many are lost in the battle.

I write about this interplay to keep my mind in check. If you have any questions please send a response in the area provided.

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